Monday, February 23, 2009

Lost at School by Dr. Ross Greene

From "lost at school", "In the same way that kids who are delayed in reading are having difficulty mastering the skills required for being proficient in reading, challenging kids are having difficulty mastering the skills required for becoming proficient in handling life’s social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Why have we been so zealously over-applying consequences to kids with behavioral challenges? Because we didn't realize they had a developmental delay.” Dr. Ross Greene
I stumbled upon this book while looking for another at Borders last week. It is amazing. I actually cried when I read the first chapter because it is exactly what has happened to my child and so many others. Too many times educators don't understand the challenges that these kids come to school with, nor do they have the support. Administrators all too often don't take the time to understand or figure it out. Parents are being blamed and ignored and the everything is coined as being the child's fault. If this child makes a difference with just one child, it is a saving grace for our children. Please take the time to review this book and add it to your reading list for early 2009!

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