Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is an advocate anyway?

Today a parent that our group is advocating for was asked by an administrator why she needed an advocate. At first I was irritated that this principal with unlimited financial resources at taxpayer expense could ask such a demeaning question. Then I started thinking that it is probable that perhaps educators have no idea the stress that parents have when walking into a room of 4-10 or more professionals, how it feels to be told information about your child and not have your voice heard, or perhaps afraid to voice concern due to fears that they might say the wrong thing. It is incredibly scary knowing that your child needs help and being told that if he would just wear his glasses or , pay attention more, or try a little harder. Often time’s parents are told these things and know in their hearts that it is incorrect, that it is something else, someone or something else is to blame. That’s where an advocate’s services comes in handy.
Advocacy means supporting a person with a disability, learning disability or other type of disorder by helping him/her get the supports and services he needs from a school district, medical provider, therapy provider, college or vocational school, or other service agency.
An advocate can help by asking questions, taking notes, helping to formulate a plan, assist with obtaining services or doing as I so often do-listening and being supportive. Just knowing that someone else understands is an amazing fear buster.
I often wonder what my purpose in the life is. I feel strongly that God brought me down this bumpy road for a reason and that if I need to help others get down the road, then that’s my passion. All children have special needs. Some need a little more, a little different, something unique. That’s my job as an advocate making sure that they get what they need and deserve to be productive and independent citizens. As long as there is one child that I can make a difference with, then that’s what I am charged with doing-advocating on their behalf.

Letter Writing Samples

This is a great letter writing site with a good deal of samples that can assist with your advocacy efforts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IEP Team Maneuvers: Avoid Becoming Intimidated

1. "That's against school district policy."
2. "We do not have anyone on staff trained to provide that service."
3. "We are not obligated to discuss teaching methodologies at IEP meetings, nor willwe stipulate them in lEPs."
4. "We will not provide your child with in-class support because he will become dependent."
5. "We do not offer in-class support in 'honors' classes. If she requires in-class support, she does notbelong there."
6. "We cannot provide ESY services for your child because he is too high-functioning for ourin-district ESY program."
7. "Only children who are severely mentally retarded or profoundly autistic are eligible for ESY services."
8. "Your child is ineligible to receive ESY services based upon the regression/recoupme
8. "Your chi9. "Your child has made SO much progress that he/she will not require ________ next year."
10. "We are not authorized to make that decision. We'll have to adjourn this meeting until wecan confer with the Director of Special Services."
11. "We cannot provide those services under Section 504."
12. "Have you considered increasing the dosage on his medication? Maybe he'd do better on Concerta."
13. "Your child's behavior/learning issues/ social issues are occurring as a result of - your divorce, the factthat both parents are working outside of the home, cultural differences or something else that the familyis or is not doing at home."
14. "If you disagree with our proposal, go to due process."
15. "We are not obligated to create academic goals and objectives for your child because he isincluded in general education classes for those periods."
16. "Your child has not acquired the prerequisite skills necessary to be included in thegeneral education classroom."17. "Holding the Eligibility Determination/
17. "Holding the Eligibility Determination/IEPexpedite the process."
18. "Your child would do so much better if he'd just — pay attention, follow directions, cooperate more, tryharder, hand in his homework on time, have a more positive attitude & stop being so lazy."
19. "This is the ONLY placement option for your child."
20. "Sending your child to an out-of-district special education school, places him in a morerestrictive environment.r
21. "Your child isn't failing, so what are you complaining about?"
22. "We couldn't possibly provide such an expensive service."
23. "You're not allowed to audio-record IEP meetings."
24. "The Team is too busy; call us back in a month or so to schedule an IEP meeting. We'lladdress your concerns at that time."
25. "That does not need to be stipulated in the IEP because we do it automatically.
26. "You'll just have to wait until we hire a new Speech Therapist."
27. "Prior Written Notice? What does that mean?"
28. "We cannot allow you to observe the proposed placement options due to confidentiality issues."
29. "There's no need to have an FBA conducted. I can create a sticker chart."
30. "If you are unable to attend on the date listed on the meeting notice, we will hold the IEP meetingwithout you."
31. "Medical issues are not educationally relevant."
32. "Your child's behaviors are not a manifestation of his disability because he is classified under the SLDcategory."
33. "If she's finding the homework to be too challenging, just tell her that she's no longer required to doit."
34. "You must choose from OUR list of independent evaluators."
35. "There is nothing we can do about his social issues during lunch & recess."
36. "We only offer social skills groups one period per month - we couldn't possibly provide moreservices for your son."
37. "Due to the high property taxes in our district, we can no longer place students in out-of-districtprograms."
38. "If you're going to audio-record this meeting, we're going to have to adjourn until our attorney can bepresent."
39. "You are required to notify us in advance of all parties you intend to bring to your IEP meeting."
40. "This is the only date we are available to meet. If it doesn't fit into your schedule, you'll have to waituntil next month for another meeting."
41. "We do not have to write goals and objectives for your child's counseling or social skillssessions."
42. "Your child was placed in our Life Skills program because he is autistic. That's where all of theautistic children his age are placed."
43. "Your child can no longer receive pull-out replacement services because our district haschanged to an in-class support model."
44. "We don't have time to hold a meeting. I'll just send you the IEP in the mail for your signature."
45. "You cannot leave the meeting until you've signed all the paperwork."
46. "We will not grant your request for independent evaluations.
47. "Your child cannot participate in the field trip unless you accompany him."
48. "Don't worry; you'll get copies of the evaluation reports at the meeting."
49. "If we reevaluate your child he may no longer qualify for services. Isn't it better to just leave wellenough alone?"
50. "We met beforehand and decided that he no longer requires ."•
51. "We don't see those behaviors in the classroom."52. "We do not conduct O.T. or P.T. evaluations on preschool children - we wait to see how they doonce they are placed in the program."5
53. "We do not conduct FBAs on preschool children — instead we use a Rifton chair to manage theirbehaviors."
54. "Don't bother bringing in cupcakes for his mainstream period; the students in that class don't evenreally know him."
55. "We've allowed thirty minutes for this meeting. Please do not interrupt our teachers with yourquestions and comments or we won't be able to complete the IEP."
56. "If you bring an advocate to your meeting, our attorney must be present."
57. "Your child's social issues have had no educational impact — his grades are excellent. Since theseissues are not educationally relevant, we do not have to address them at school."
58. "We're using an 'eclectic' reading program - our teachers pull from a variety of sources."
59. "Please come pick up your child — his behaviors are out of control."
60. "If she can't learn to control herself, we'll have to shorten her school day."
61. "504 accommodations apply only to students with physical disabilities.
62. "Your child cannot participate in the musical performance because he has an individual aideassigned to him."
63. "If your child is classified under the Emotionally Disturbed (ED) category, he must be placed in ourself-contained ED class."
64. "Don't be concerned about what's placed in writing today, the IEP is a fluid document and can be changedat ANY time."
65. "By law, we are only required to provide 10 hours of home instruction.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Information Concerning DRA Assessments

Many school districts use the DRA to measure whether or not an elementary student is on track with reading or not by using the DRA. I have deep concerns about DRA as an "assessment" tool being an inappropriate method. These concerns have to do with many factors, but mainly because it just another SUBJECTIVE measure of testing.

This article helps explain WHY:

If the link does not work, just google "DRA review" to get this article.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Written by a Mom on one of my support lists for her daughter

1. Please don't assume that you know what it is like to parent my child. The only person who can possibly relate to my hopes and my dreams, my burdens and my fears, and the difficulties I face, is GOD!

2. Please respect me for knowing my child better than anyone else. Please accept the ideas I share as tools to help improve a situation for my child, not words of criticism towards you.
3. My child does not speak well. We aren't able to enjoy the reciprocal conversation about her day at school that you are able to enjoy with your own children. Please communicate with me and allow me to communicate with you, so that I may know about her day. I would like to be able to help her with her difficulties and praise her for her efforts.
4. Please don't tell me I can't FIX my child. I was complimented by God that he selected me for this journey - parenting a special needs child. God grants me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...the most difficult of all being that my child has special needs. I can't FIX that and make it go away and I don't need to be reminded of that fact. But God also grants me the serenity to change the things I can. My child is full of motivation, a love for learning, a willingness to improve herself, and pride in her accomplishments. Please respect me for encouraging her to be all that she can be. Please respect her for her very hard word and accomplishments. No, I can't FIX her disability. But I can provide her with all that she needs to make it easier to live with. And by the way, God grants me the wisdom to know the difference.
5. Allow me to believe in miracles. After all, I do live with one. Don't slam the doors on my hopes and my dreams.
6. Please respect me for the time, the effort, and the challenge of educating myself in the different areas of the special needs of my child. I have a need to learn all that I can about my child and how she sees the world. I am willing to share this information with you, hoping it will make your job a bit easier. My knowledge also enables me to help others, which gives me great joy!
7. Please know that I am tired. There are days when I need some positive reinforcement or a kind word. Because I understand that NEED, I try to provide the same to you and all who are involved in helping my daughter be all that she can be. When my "gas tank" is empty, it needs to be refilled!
8. Please know that I respect and appreciate all that you do. I know that your job is almost as demanding as mine. When God selected me for this journey, he sent angels along to help me. YOU ARE ONE OF THEM!
Thank You!Written by: Diane O'Rourke-Bankus © 2003